Michigan Musing

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Location: Hartland, Michigan, United States

Thrilled to take a new direction in my career, grateful to own my own home, and rediscovering my artistic nature.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Heaven on Earth

What constitutes "heaven on earth" for you?

Is it a peaceful night with a full moon, love by your side, and the promise of tomorrow?

or something as simple as enough income to pay the bills due next week?

could it be a place? or maybe all of those combined?

My heaven on earth this October 2006 was a road in the Keewenaw, lined with deciduous trees in full fall color, sun streaming through, and the freedom and peace of mind to enjoy it for a few days.

While I stayed there, just west of Copper Harbor, I did not get to see the northern lights, but I did get an incredibly beautiful full moon over Lake Superior.

From day to day, heaven on earth can change. It is a perception of rightness, awe, and an alertness, I think, to the blessings just waiting there for us to see. A brilliant red leaf. the warm touch of a new potential partner--hope personified, I think. the smile of a grown child enjoying a professional achievement. waves and wind.

not a day in this place--this heaven on earth, however you define it--should be missed.