Michigan Musing

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Location: Hartland, Michigan, United States

Thrilled to take a new direction in my career, grateful to own my own home, and rediscovering my artistic nature.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Long Time, No Blog, Much Happened

April 2009 added another change in my life--a divorce.
July 2009 found me in my own home, once more, the first I've purchased completely on my own with no man or family in tow.
August 2009 my tiny poodle, Misty, returned home since there was no longer the barrier of a husband who disliked her intensely.
October 2009 provided a good ten days of heaven on Lake Superior outside Copper Harbor, UP.
December 25, 2009 was the first Christmas morning in at least six years that had both my children and their significant others waking up at my house. What a joy!
December 30, 2009 my new friend June DesRosiers was taken off life support and died two hours later. She was courageous and generous and, after 13 years, had decided to come to terms with her divorce and seek new life. Carpe Diem.
December 31, 2009 was an anniversary of pain--and replaced with an incredible new memory of celebrating the New Year on the Lido deck, under a Caribbean sky with 3,000 people and free champagne!

My heart was broken. And now, it is broken wide open to love even more.

Thank you Lord.