Michigan Musing

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Location: Hartland, Michigan, United States

Thrilled to take a new direction in my career, grateful to own my own home, and rediscovering my artistic nature.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

From Men of Grace to Dracula!

What a wonderful, marvelous, entertaining weekend I've enjoyed. Friday night I atended the 20th Awards Night of the Livingston Diversity Council. A celebration to recognize and commend leadership in the community, it included a performance by Men of Grace, an acapella ensemble of men who have come through the Grace Centers rehabilitation program, formerly the Pontiac Rescue Mission. Their music is phenomenal, their arrangements exceptionally creative, and their delivery so moving.

Saturday morning, I got to enjoy the presentations of the Hartland High School DECA, marketing club, pre-district competition as a judge. Tough work. There is not a bone in my body or desire in my heart to discourage a single one of those future marketing pros. But sometimes you just have to be honest and encourage them to practice more, research more, and drop the "you know," "also," and "like" phrases from their vocabulary. So creative, though!

Saturday afternoon, a gentleman I've only known a few months, enjoyed a surprise 80th birthday party at the VFW's American Spirit Center. His tears came easily as he was surrounded by family and friends who had traveled from all over the country to celebrate his upcoming (January) birthday. A very special afternoon for a fellow who says "My doctor told me my heart is the only thing on me that's good--good thing, too, today."

And this evening! Dracula performed, crewed, and designed by 80 Hartland High School students. I loved the vampires coming down the aisles preceding the performance, during every scene change, and between acts. The performance of Mr. Renfield was no high school student rendering, nor was Dracula's or Charles'. This was my first HHS student performance but will certainly *not* be my last.

And tomorrow? I start with church--last week I joined a church that reminds me so much of my historic one where I grew up, met the kids' dad, married, and baptized both of them. I won't be in the choir this Sunday--it's instrumental music--but I've had some God moments I can share, and some prayers to ask for, some mission gifts to bring and a place where I feel I belong.

In the evening, a special concert at another church--a group I've heard much about, Cats and the Fiddlers, and am very much looking forward to hearing.

What a terrific weekend...what joy there is to feel.