Michigan Musing

My Photo
Location: Hartland, Michigan, United States

Thrilled to take a new direction in my career, grateful to own my own home, and rediscovering my artistic nature.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Options, Options

The home I purchased with my daughter (anneruthmannphotography.blogspot.com) and son-in-law (alexruthmann.com) is up for sale. It's really a wonderful place in a natural setting in the middle of this great suburban/soon-urban region.

Once it's sold (or returned to Oakland University at an agreed-upon appraisal price), I will have to commit to an option. More than simply, "shall I buy or rent," my options include staying at my present full-time position, or not; going back to school for a Ph.D. and possible career in teaching or going back to school for an M.F.A. and possible career in teaching and writing; working at Burger King (ever-present and often oddly comforting); working full-time at another library somewhere; working part-time at more than one other library somewhere; becoming somebody's cared-for wife or possibly someone's kept woman (a completely foreign concept).

What does a self-supporting, self-actualizing female of Mensa-level intelligence do with herself after a certain age...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Thank you Veterans and Peacemakers

I consider myself a peaceful person, although I can have a temper. Today, Memorial Day, though is the one day that, regardless of my feelings and beliefs about war, weaponry, and the continual conflict in which Man engages, I am truly grateful.

Grateful to all of those, including my male relatives both soldiers and conscientious objectors, who served so that I and many others can be free.

Thank you for your service in World War II, your service in the Korean "conflict" (my Daddy's run as a gunnery instructor in Biloxi, MS), the challenges you faced during the Vietnam finally-declared-war, and all of the many times you've endured such great risk and especially today in the Gulf and across the world.

My heart aches for those who have lost their fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, and best friends so that I can write and speak freely and so that others might have that same opportunity.

I often question the decisions and choices made on my behalf as a United States citizen, but I never forget the opportunity I have to express myself in the voting booth. You-all make that possible. Thank you.

Welcome! I'm glad you're here!

My name is Cecilia Ann, Ceci, or CC for short. I truly am glad you've visited and hope that you'll come back. Online journaling, or blogging, seems to be the way to communicate the most in depth for the minimum in cost to the maximum audience. As a writer, poet, counselor, editor, and all-round "words" person, I expect you'll find Michigan Musing to be contemplative, amusing, and, at times, challenging, if not even inspirational. Welcome to my world!