Options, Options

The home I purchased with my daughter (anneruthmannphotography.blogspot.com) and son-in-law (alexruthmann.com) is up for sale. It's really a wonderful place in a natural setting in the middle of this great suburban/soon-urban region.
Once it's sold (or returned to Oakland University at an agreed-upon appraisal price), I will have to commit to an option. More than simply, "shall I buy or rent," my options include staying at my present full-time position, or not; going back to school for a Ph.D. and possible career in teaching or going back to school for an M.F.A. and possible career in teaching and writing; working at Burger King (ever-present and often oddly comforting); working full-time at another library somewhere; working part-time at more than one other library somewhere; becoming somebody's cared-for wife or possibly someone's kept woman (a completely foreign concept).
What does a self-supporting, self-actualizing female of Mensa-level intelligence do with herself after a certain age...